Why Is The Air In My Home So Humid?

condensation on window

Even if the air in your home isn’t hot, excessive humidity can make for uncomfortable living conditions. Not only is muggy air sticky and unpleasant to live with, it also costs more to cool, which can translate into higher energy bills.

Below, we’ll explain three of the most common causes behind extreme indoor humidity and what you can do to solve the problem.

Your home needs exhaust fans in the kitchen and bathroom.

Daily activities like bathing, showering, and cooking on the stove can release a lot of moisture into your indoor air. This is why many kitchens have an exhaust fan above the stovetop or range and why many bathrooms are also equipped with a fan in the ceiling. These fans suck out that moisture and release it outdoors.

If you own kitchen and bathroom fans, make sure you’re running them while cooking, bathing, or showering and for about 15-30 minutes afterward. If you don’t have a kitchen or bathroom fan, consider bringing in an expert to help you so that you can improve your home’s ventilation in these areas.

Your air conditioner is too large for your home.

Bigger isn’t always better, especially when it comes to air conditioners. When an air conditioner is correctly sized and works properly, it dehumidifies your home's air while it cools it. If your air conditioner is oversized for the space it needs to cool, it will cool certain areas of your home too quickly and shut off. As a result, your home never gets cooled evenly, and the AC never runs long enough to properly dehumidify your home.

When it comes to finding a properly sized AC replacement, it’s best to involve a trusted HVAC contractor who can get a good understanding of your current cooling challenges before issuing you a quote. If you try to shop for your own AC, you may end up buying a unit that’s too small to meet your home’s needs.

There’s a hidden leak in your home.

If you own an older home, it’s possible that leaks in your piping are increasing your home’s humidity. If the problem gets severe enough, you may notice mold growth on your walls, ceiling, or carpeting. Inexplicably high water bills are also another telltale sign that your home has a hidden leak.

For help finding leaks that may be concealed behind walls, you’ll need to involve a plumber that offers leak detection services. Using specialized equipment, the plumber will be able to pinpoint leak locations to minimize damage to your walls during repairs.

At Albright's Mechanical Services, we’re proud to offer honest, reputable HVAC and plumbing services throughout Baltimore. For assistance with your home, please don’t hesitate to give us a call at (410) 834-0148 or contact us online.

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