Ways to Keep Heating Bills Low This Winter

3 Tips to Lower Your Heating Bill

Keeping your home warm in the winter can put a squeeze on your wallet. Turning on your heater can sometimes be costly depending on how cold it is outside and if your home is properly insulated. A poorly insulated home can feel colder, but we have tips to help you stay warm without having to turn up the heat!

Bake a Sweet Treat!

When it’s cold outside, we all sometimes crave a warm sweet treat to get us through the day. Did you know that baking can not only warm you up on the inside but also your home?

Turning on your oven is a great way to provide an extra source of heat. Try baking your favorite winter pastry and when you’re done, leave the door to your oven open to let the heat escape into your kitchen.

Seal Your Air Ducts

This is an issue that many homeowners sometimes unknowingly face — unsealed air ducts. Air ducts in places like your attic or basement can cause you to lose heat. Take a look at your air ducts one day and see if they are sealed.

If your ducts are not sealed properly, or at all, you can easily seal them yourself with foil tape. For more complicated jobs, or if you just want to call in a little help, we suggest calling your local HVAC technician to seal the deal and properly seal your air ducts.

Install Insulation

Some of the rooms in your house may feel colder than others due to poor insulation in those rooms. Insulation is one of the most effective ways to keep your home warm. A professional can install insulation for you and help you determine which rooms need insulation to keep your home’s temperature constant and warm in the winter.

Call in the Pros!

No matter what heating struggles you are facing, our team at Albright's Mechanical Services can help! We can inspect your furnace and other areas of your home connected to your HVAC system and give you tips on how to warm up your home while keeping the energy bill low. Call our team at (410) 834-0148 for more information and to schedule an appointment!
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