Spring Clean Your Indoor Air

How to Improve Indoor Air Quality

Spring is a time for new beginnings, including cleaning out your home from top to bottom! One area that often gets overlooked is indoor air quality.

HVAC systems are a great way to improve indoor air quality, but only if properly maintained. This blog post will discuss some tips for keeping your HVAC system in top condition and getting better indoor air quality.

Change Filters Regularly

One of the simplest ways to improve your indoor air quality is to change your HVAC filter regularly. A clogged filter can cause your HVAC system to work harder and result in poor air quality. Most HVAC filters need to be replaced every month or two, but check the manufacturer's recommendations for your specific filter.

Add Ventilation

If you don't have an HVAC system, one of the best ways to improve your indoor air quality is to add ventilation. Opening a window for a few minutes each day will allow fresh air to circulate through your home. You can also install an exhaust fan in the kitchen and bathroom.

Get Regular Maintenance

Ensure your HVAC system is running its best with regular maintenance. A professional HVAC technician will clean and tune up your system, which can help improve indoor air quality and save money on energy costs.

Clean Your AC Unit

It's essential to keep your air conditioner clean. A dirty AC unit can cause poor indoor air quality and increased energy costs. You can clean your AC unit yourself or call a professional HVAC technician. We hope these tips will help you improve your indoor air quality and enjoy a healthy spring!

Change Filters Regularly

One of the simplest ways to improve your indoor air quality is to change your HVAC filter regularly. A clogged filter can cause your HVAC system to work harder and result in poor air quality. Most HVAC filters need to be replaced every month or two, but check the manufacturer's recommendations for your specific filter.

HVAC Services in Essex, MD

Keeping your HVAC system maintained is easy when you have a team you can count on. If you're in Essex, MD, and need HVAC services, call the experts at Albright's Mechanical Services at (410) 834-0148 to schedule your appointment!

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